
Monday, December 26, 2011

Things I Have Been Blessed Enough To Win

First off I want to thank all of the wonderful Ladies out in blog land that put on some of these wonderful giveaways.  I have been lucky enough to win 4 recently and 1 consolation prize.

#1 Penguin and Reindeer Hat Patterns

#2 A Very Cute Owl  She also sent me one of her beautiful felt flowers.  It is the Pink one.  Just click on the words and it will take you to them.

#3 Minnie Mouse Hat Pattern

#4 A $25.00 Pick Your Plum Plum Pack.  Here are just a few things that have come from this company.  It is called Pick Your Plum  go HERE to sign up for emails so you too can get great goodies.

#5 Mini K.I.S.S Reindeer Pattern.  She had a name her new angel giveaway and these were given out as prizes to those who entered.  I just love her patterns.  They are all toooooo cute!!

CROCHET PATTERN - Mini KISS Series - Reindeer

The cute owl that I won was going to be a gift for one of my daughter's friends.  It did not make it through the mail in time so when it got here we opened the box and the little guy found a new friend fast.  My son loved him.  My daughter cabbaged onto the dahlia flower.  Here are a few pics of where Mr. WHOOO, as he was so lovingly named by my Mr.BOO, has roosted at night since he came to live with us.

At first he was roosting in a bird house planter on my living room wall.

And now Santa Whoooo is living in the Christmas Tree.

I am taking a small break from crochet for a few days.  With the cold I have had the acrylic yarn is playing havoc on my nose.  It's bad enough with out a cold sometimes.  But is that going to stop me from using it?  I THINK NOT!! I hope you all had a very merry Christmas and that the New Year brings enough blessings to over flow all your cups and the saucers under them.  


  1. Congrats on all your giveaway wins. :)

  2. Dear Melissa, all win are so beautiful. But I love the cute owl on your living room wall. It is so lovely..


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