
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I've Been Busy!

Good morning everyone.  I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.  Our kids had a 3 day weekend.  Mr. Boo got a little bug and it migrated to his ear so he gets at least one more day off.  If I can keep his temp down today he will be back at it tomorrow.  I am in a rush because he has allowed mommy to use the computer for a short short in order for her to post on her blog.  He NEEDS back on soon to play on ToonTown Online.  So here we go. 

Blogger is making me crazy with the picture upload issues.  Anyway.  As you can see from the picture below I am way behind on my puffs.  This is all I have gotten done in a week.

I have been very busy making goodies for my two swaps I am doing.  As soon as I finish up on the goodies for those I can catch up on my puffs and work on some new things I have in my head and scribbled on paper.  So here is a sneak peak at some of the goodies I have been working on but just a peek in case anyone is peeking who shouldn't be.
This is something in red and white.

This little guy is purple and blue.

This nifty little thing has it's very own little pocket to keep goodies in. I can't wait to fill up that pocket and get it sent off to it's new home.

And this is going to be lovely and flowery.  Right now it is all in pieces.  Can you guess what it might end up being.  It has two more colors that will be added to it and maybe a little card. Good luck.

So that has been the extent of my week.  I have also had a trip to the Dr. with either broncits or walking pnemonia.  And of course I had to wake up yesterday with a HUGE cold sore (#3 for the year) on my lip.  Whine Whine Cry Cry WAHHHHH.  Ok I feel better now. Sniff Sniff.  This has been a rough winter.  The bad thing is it has not been that cold.  Well I guess I am off to check out the other one a days at GingerBread Girls Blog.  Before little man realizes I am finished.  He is in the living room with large sheets of paper, markers, pencils, scissors, and tape.  I am afraid to look since I already picked up in there this morning.  Have a great week if I don't make it back here.


  1. Oh dear poor old you with all those bugs around... the cold does get us down doesn't it! I love the half hexipuff! You are amazing still making when you are feeling grotty! Please come back! :)x

  2. I love the mystery pictures. I would love to see what they are! You can't always keep up with with the hexipuffs, better next week!

    1. I can't wait to show all the goodies. I did get a few more rows on that sad little puff today. I almost finished it.

  3. Ooooh, mystery pictures are exciting. It's terrible when everybody in the house is under the weather but the funny thing is that sometimes we wake up one morning and suddenly realize that everybody is OK again, almost out of nowhere!

    1. That's what happened today. No fever for little man and doc said his ear is all better.

  4. Very interesting would like to see more.xxxx

  5. awww poor Mr Boo hope he gets well soon.
    I do look forward to seeing your mystery pics.

    1. Thanks. He went back to school today because no fever. He was not happy but mom was.

  6. dear me poor you and Mr Boo I do hope you both feel better rather soon. Can't wait to see what all those little gifts are I can only figure out one and that white one I have no idea. Oh well on the hexipuffs you've made so many other things though. xx

  7. OMGosh; get well! And your poor son. Glad you're still able to get in some hookin'. What a neat crochet hook you have in that pic.

    1. Thanks. We are all better now. I made the crochet hook handle out of polymer clay. I really like them.

  8. do show us the finished items, its not nice to tease!


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