
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

An Anniversary

19 years ago today an 18 year old girl and a 24 year old boy got married. They had met 2 years earlier and fallen in love, but as she was too young to get married then they waited.  It was worth it!!  Here is the couple on their big day. (Sorry the picture scanned a little darker than it should be.)

Yes that little 18 year old girl is me.  My brother looks so serious standing behind me.  There is a long story behind why he was the one to give me away.  We will leave that for another day.

Here is the happy couple after the ceremony.  

19 years later, we have two wonderful children and love each other more today than we did then.  Life may not be quite as exciting as it was back then, but who needs exciting when you have each other. 

Happy anniversary my dear husband.  May the next 19 years be even better than the first.


  1. Happy Anniversary! My best wishes for many, many more happy years. :)

  2. Happy happy Anniversary! 19 years!! Wow, amazing!! I wish you many many more blessed and happy years together!

  3. Awwww! What nice photos....Happy Anniversary!!!!!! :-]

  4. Happy anniversary! In those pictures, you don't even look 18. Here's to many more years of happiness.

  5. happy anniversary & heres to many more happy years!

  6. Happy happy Anniversary♥

    lovely pics

    thanks for sharing

  7. Congratulations on such a fantastic accomplishment.

  8. Happy Anniversary! I hope and pray you have many more happy years together.

  9. Congrats on so many years together! Blessings to you!

  10. Congratulations on your anniversary! Great thing to see people get closer and closer together with each passing year!

  11. This is my first time reading your blog. Happy Belated Anniversary, congratulations on so many years together. May God continue to richly bless you.


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