
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

My Poor Sweet Girl!!

My sweet baby girl, who by the way will be 13 on Friday, had a rough day today.  She had to go sit in one of these...

and fill a couple of these...

Back in 2007 she had an allergic reaction at school where her eyes and the bridge of her nose swelled really bad.  The she also broke out in hives.  Let me rephrase that...She broke out in one hive and it covered her entire body.  Unsure of what caused it we rushed her to the ER where they proceeded to TRY and find a vein to put an I.V.  Due to the fact that she was one sold hive it took three nurses and one anesthesiologist to get that baby in there.  Needless to say after being poked numerous times and having them dig around for a good 10 minutes she has somewhat developed a slight needle phobia.   The she was taken to an allergist a couple days later and was poked again.  At that time she tested positive for peanuts, pecans, soy and a few other things.

Five years later and A LOT of begging on my part I talked her into being retested to see if she had grown out of her allergies.  So, we get to the new allergist and signed in.  At this point we were told that they would probably not do blood work, but the scratch testing instead.  At this point the poor girl turned white, then red, then looked like she didn't know if she was going to throw up or pass out or cry.  I was a little afraid she might do all three at once.

 Once we got back in a room we met the wonderful nurse at this new clinic.  She informed us that they may have to do both the scratch and blood testing.  Of course the poor baby started changing colors again and was about to cry.  She even had tears in her eyes.

Then the beautiful and wonderful allergist came in swooping in to the rescue.  She didn't see any since in doing both.  She said she just wanted blood work done. She loved this allergist because she came in and shook her hand and sat up on the table with her.  Then off we went to the local hospital to have blood drawn.  She was much happier with only getting poked once.  Then we get to the hospital, get checked in, get a lovely blue bracelet and wait.  They call us back, she climbs into the chair and starts changing colors again.  I think she was about to toss her pancake puff she had for breakfast.  The blood lady pulls out the needle and miss "I'm gonna hurl here" turns her head and covers her face with her free hand.  I had to keep telling her to breath.  I know it hurt because the woman that did it had drawn my before and she is not all that great.  Of course the lovely lady keeps saying does it really hurt all that bad.  It can't still hurt.  Does it really still hurt.  Miss Tootie looks her in the eye and says "YES!!  IT STILL HURTS THAT BAD!!!"  Mom was about to crack up .Now it is all over and she won't have to be tested for another 3 to 5 years.  If she is not allergic to anything she won't ever need to be tested again.

We will know in two weeks what the results are.  So please say a little prayer that all is negative.  Sorry for waffling on for so long and thanks for listening.  Hope you all had a great day and are having a wonderful week.

I almost forgot to mention I am participating in the GFC Blog Hop


  1. Poor thing. I hope it turns out that she's not allergic to anything.

    1. Me too!! She has lived in fear these last 5 years.

  2. Poor baby. :-/ I sure hope it comes out negative!! NOBODY.....I repeat NOBODY...young or old, likes those Phlebotomists (blood drawers) with no skills!!! LOL

    1. Me too. We lovingly call them vampires at our house.

  3. Oh my, poor baby! :-( We are very familiar with allergies around here. One of my girls had the scratch test when she was only six. Well it was more like jabs than scratches but there were an awful lot of them for one tiny little arm. She did grow out of most of her allergies, except for the dust ones which are usually more of a nuisance than anything else and the shellfish one which got worse. It was actually her allergies that got me very interested in herbal medicine. After one extremely bad case of hives that no amount of modern medicine would fix, we discovered that good old camomile tea worked far better. Hope your tests come back negative. Sending along some anti-allergy vibes. Hugs xox

  4. Your poor sweet baby! Thanks for the tip about the tea. I'll have to remember that. Thanks for the anti-allergy vibes!!

    1. Your welcome lovely. I also forgot to mention that while you drink the tea, you can also use the cooled teabags directly on the hives, they cool and soothe the itch away.

  5. Ouch! Poor dear. I've had a couple allergy tests in my life and they are no fun. I hope all comes back negative.

  6. Poor little lady! I hope the allergy tests come back negative so that she does not have to go through any of that again.
    With love


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