
Monday, August 20, 2012

A VERY Quiet Monday!! And Free Pattern Links

Shhh!!  Listen...Do you hear that?  It is the sound of a VERY quiet house.  My kiddos went back to school this morning.  I am one lonely momma.  Mr. Boo is off to second grade and Miss Hopey is off the Jr. High.  Is it normal to still cry when they have been in school that long?  This was a hard morning for me and them. (Keep reading there are pattern links at the end.)

Boo decided, just as he was putting his back pack on, that he had changed his mind and really didn't want to go back to school today after all.  He was very excited until the last minute.  I walked him in and made sure he knew where his new class was.  The minute he walked into his class and saw his teacher he was a totally different child.  We have been blessed so far with awesome teachers for both kids, but this year he was extra blessed.  His teacher from kindergarten moved up to second grade to be the team leader.  Of course she made sure he was in her class again.  We had asked her to be his Kinder teacher because Sis had been in girl scouts with her twin girls and we knew she would be great for Boo.  He walked in, put his backpack in his cubby, gave his teacher her little gift he had made her, and found his seat.  Being the loving child that he is, he not only got his chair, he put chairs at all the other desks in his group.  He was good to go so I slobbered on him a little and ran.

Then there was the matter of Miss Hopeynope.  She loved her penguin nails.  I did her toes too.  The big toes were penguins and the rest were just colored to match the colors on her nails.  Plus I spent almost 30 minutes this morning straightening her hair. She declared that last night and this morning she had giant caterpillars in her tummy.  Then I "made her" eat breakfast and they ate all of that and turned into giant butterflies.  We got boo dropped off then we had almost an hour to kill before she had to be at school so we went and washed to car. She kept informing me she was scared and that she felt like she might throw up.  By the time we made it to her school she said her butterflies had taken a nap and she was not going to "throw up " after all. Her school was a mad house.  There were kids that had not registered yet and the office was jam packed this morning.  I had to walk her in because I had to drop off her meds for her peanut allergy.  She just gave me a kiss and off she went like a big girl to the cafeteria. We spent an hour at her school last week walking around and finding all of her classes so she would know where they were this morning and wouldn't get lost.  She felt pretty secure that she would not have much trouble.  The one class I dread of hers is the advanced algebra 2.  She took algebra 1 last year and passed it with flying colors so they put her in the advanced class this year.  It has been 19 years since I took algebra 2.  I took it as a senior and here she is taking it in the 8th grade.

Well I have waffled enough and my internet is having fits so I am off to figure out what the problem with it is and get some cleaning done before I have to go back after the kiddos.  I hope all of you that had kids go back today had a calm morning!!  Have a great first week back!!

Roll up Pencil case.
Roll-Up Pencil Case
School Spirit Notebook Cover
Notebook Cover
Lunch Caddy
Bento Lunch Caddy


  1. It's always the first few days that are the hardest (for all of you). I am sure they will soon get settled in and you'll get into your routine. It's not long to the weekend and you can have them to yourself for all those hours :-)

  2. it will get easier.xx

  3. These patterns are really nice.


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