
Monday, September 17, 2012

Monday Funday #4...It's Almost Fall Y'all

With the first day of Fall, here in the US, coming Saturday. I had to make this Monday Funday all about Fall.
It is called Falling Leaves by: Donna Kay Lacey. You can search her name on Ravelry and find lots of beautiful free patterns there.

Of course we can't have fall without some lovely knit hats. Brambles at Knitty Little Pearls of Wisdom.

A scarf. Falling Leaves Scarf (crochet)  from Bernat

And maybe a bag.  Falling Leaves Felted Bag(knit) from Classic Elite Yarns
pattern image

Or two
Hexagon Fall Flower Tote from Crochet n' Crafts
Hexagon Fall Flower Tote

And we all know with the cooler weather we will be wanting more hot drinks so of course we need some coasters. Fall Leaf Coasters from Craft Memoir
Fall coasters

We will also need a snugly afghan or blanket to keep us warm.
Falling Leaves Crochet Pattern from Coats and Clark
Falling Leaves Afghan

Falling Leaves Knit Pattern from Coats and Clark
Falling Leaves Afghan
And I would never leave out all of my Quilter friends.
Falling Leaves 1 from Free
Falling Leaves I
Falling Leaves 2 candle mat from Free
Falling Leaves II

Now if you have anything to share please feel free to link up below, oh and grab a button while you are here also. Remember what you share does not have to go along with my theme. If you were featured please grab a featured button from the side bar.

Melissa, Fall


  1. Thanks so much for featuring my "Falling Leaves" pattern on your blog. What a wonderful blog you have here. I've really enjoyed browsing around!


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