
Monday, June 24, 2013

Monday Funday #37...I'm Back

Happy Monday everyone.  I've missed visiting with all of you.  What have you been up to?  What are you making/working on at the moment.  Link up below so I can see.

I've gotten back into my crochet again.  I didn't realize how much I had missed it.  I have made some cute little bunnies for the kids.  

Aren't they cute.  Boo's is the one on the right.  As you can see it has been well loved and is already getting warm and fuzzy. The other one is K's.  She got hers yesterday for her birthday. She is now 14...(sniffle sniffle).  Hers somehow turned out smaller.  I used the exact same yarn and hook for both.  She loves it that way though so it's all good.  If you would like to make one of your own, you can find the pattern HERE. I used Yarn Bee Soft Secret Yarn to make both of them.  I hope to have a couple more little goodies finished to share with you by next week.

We had a pretty busy week last week.  We took the kids to Branson, Mo last Saturday to White Water.  The kids had a blast right up until a storm started coming through and they made all of us get out of the water.  We ate lunch and hung around the park until everyone started to leave.  Then they decided to close the park down and gave the remaining customers rain passes to get back in anytime. Which means we will be going back for free another day.  Gotta love that!!  Hubby's birthday was Sunday, as well as Father's Day.  Wednesday(6/19) was our 20th wedding anniversary.  Hard to believe I have been married to my dear hubby for more than half of my life.  Then Miss Tootie turned 14 yesterday.  My babies are both growing up so fast!!  She was not excited about getting older.  She said "It's scary...I will be 18 in just 4 more years!!!"  When I was her age I couldn't wait to get older.  I'm glad she is taking her time!! Here is a picture of her cookie cake that we baked and I decorated.
We had to find a penguin online so I could put it on the cookie. Her favorite colors are pink and yellow.  I had a little trouble with it's feet because I forgot I needed orange and all I had left was some cookie icing that wanted to run everywhere.  Then we added sparkle sprinkles to make it even more special.  Here is the picture we used. 

I think it turned out pretty good.

On top of everything else, I found out I have IBS and have been put on a dairy free diet for a few weeks.  I went to the local health food store and found some dairy free cheese, butter, yogurt and ice cream.  There are a lot of wonderful products made from coconut milk now. I also got dairy free chocolate chips for the cookie cake.  If you have any dairy free recipes I would love for you to share them with me.  I found out that coconut milk is great in place of regular milk for making cornbread. 

The kids and I will probably go see the new Monster's University movie today or tomorrow.  They decided to wait and go a few days after it came out so that there might not be as many people. That's all I have for now.  I do have a few more pictures I want to share from our trip to the zoo and the house we stayed in last weekend, but I haven't even had time to look at them yet.

Now that I have shared all my news I can't wait to hear yours.  Leave me a comment or link up your goodies below.  Have a great week and don't forget to come back tomorrow for the Bloglovin' hop.  Now that Google is getting rid of so much we need some way to keep up with each other.  I have stopped following a lot of my favorite blogs by email and gone to Bloglovin'.  That way I don't have as many emails in my inbox but I still get to keep up with everything that is going on.

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