Thursday, August 29, 2013

New Storybook Felts Item

Finally...Thursday is here!! I have had a busy week and  have been hard at work on a special order for a Fireman / Paramedic set and a few other sets.

I have finished up the set and it is now up for sale in the Storybook Felts Shop. I had a blast making this set. 
Gotta love that little puppy!! Run over to the Storybook Felts Blog and see the whole set. And stay tuned, because next week there will be more new things coming. Plus there a big things going on behind the scenes.  I can't wait to share it all with you. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Bloglovin' Blog Hop Week #16... August Bloglovin', Blog, or Shop Hop

Welcome to Bloglovin' Blog Hop #16
Hosted by
Mel's Daisy Patch

  This hop will be for your Bloglovin' account, your blog, your shop or all three.


1. Grab the button above and put it on your side bar, in your linky list, or in a post so everyone knows where you link up.

2. Follow your host and co-hosts on Bloglovin' or their Blog. Please leave us a comment so we know you are new and can come visit you also.

3. Link up your Bloglovin' URL, Blog URL, Shop URL or all three. Please DO NOT link up a specific post just the blog URL. Please save the specific posts for The Monday Funday Hop.

4. Hop around and visit some of the other blogs listed.  Who knows, you might make some lifelong friends in the process. Make sure to leave them a comment so they can visit you as well.

5. Please visit our sponsors pages also. 

Note:  All links are being checked for spam sites and malware sites. If you click on a link and it leads somewhere it shouldn't please contact your host so we can delete it.

Your Host:

Your Co- Hosts:
Storybook Felts

 Cutey Patuty Crochet

If you are interested in Co-Hosting please contact the host by using the contact page HERE. THERE IS NO FEE FOR CO-HOSTING. I will add new co-hosts weekly and the hop will run for a month.

If you would like to sponsor the hop, please contact me with the link above. Your ad will be placed just below the linkup image below for everyone to see and on the sidebar for the month. Sponsorship is $5.00 for the month and all you have to do is sit here on the post and look pretty. 
Link Up

Monday, August 26, 2013

Monday Funday #45

Hello Everyone!!  It's Monday again and we survived our first week back to school.  If your kiddos went back to school last week or the week before I hope you all are getting back into a routine also. The kids are loving their teachers and having fun being back with their friends. Here is a little peek at them last Monday on the way out the door.

Boo had to get his favorite snuggle buddies in the picture also.  I have to admit the week has not been the smoothest.  The kids (Lulu mostly) have had a little trouble getting around most mornings. I'm praying that this week will go a little smoother.  I did get better towards the end of the week.  I have been crazy busy since they went back.  I thought I might have a little more time to breath but not so far.  I had a huge order in the Storybook Felts store and an currently working on another one.  I have big plans and new ideas for some things that will be coming soon.  I will be adding some new items to the Etsy shop for the next couple of weeks.  Plus, I will be stocking back up on items that are already listed in the shop so that I am ready for the Christmas rush.  I have some great new items for the kids for back to school that I hope to get pictures of this week so I can get them up in the shop.  Plus there will be a new Doll Clothing set.  

Now on to the fun...This weeks featured links are:

2+ Pound Fudgy Brownies

Congrats to you ladies.  Please be sure and grab a button from the side bar to post on your blog letting everyone know you were featured. 

Now, make sure you link up some great post of your own and be sure and visit some of the other great posts listed above or below you.  Leave comments and let others know that you like what they are doing.  Everyone likes a little comment love now and again.  The top two links visited from this week will be featured next week so go visit your favorite links. Next weeks hop will also feature the top links for the entire month.

Have a great week and don't forget to link up for the August Blog and Shop Hop.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Bloglovin' Blog Hop Week #15...August Bloglovin', Blog, or Shop Hop

Welcome to Bloglovin' Blog Hop #15
Hosted by
Mel's Daisy Patch

  This hop will be for your Bloglovin' account, your blog, your shop or all three.


1. Grab the button above and put it on your side bar, in your linky list, or in a post so everyone knows where you link up.

2. Follow your host and co-hosts on Bloglovin' or their Blog. Please leave us a comment so we know you are new and can come visit you also.

3. Link up your Bloglovin' URL, Blog URL, Shop URL or all three. Please DO NOT link up a specific post just the blog URL. Please save the specific posts for The Monday Funday Hop.

4. Hop around and visit some of the other blogs listed.  Who knows, you might make some lifelong friends in the process. Make sure to leave them a comment so they can visit you as well.

5. Please visit our sponsors pages also. 

Note:  All links are being checked for spam sites and malware sites. If you click on a link and it leads somewhere it shouldn't please contact your host so we can delete it.

Your Host:

Your Co- Hosts:
Storybook Felts
 Cutey Patuty Crochet 

If you are interested in Co-Hosting please contact the host by using the contact page HERE. THERE IS NO FEE FOR CO-HOSTING. I will add new co-hosts weekly and the hop will run for a month.

If you would like to sponsor the hop, please contact me with the link above. Your ad will be placed just below the linkup image below for everyone to see and on the sidebar for the month. Sponsorship is $5.00 for the month and all you have to do is sit here on the post and look pretty. 
Link Up

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Monday Funday #44...

Happy Monday everyone.  Today is the first day back at school for my kiddos.  I am doing this post ahead of time because I'm sure it will be a crazy day and I wanted to make sure I got the post up.  

Lulu is going into the 9th grade this year. She is still in Jr. High but it is technically the first year of high school for her because from here on out everything counts on her transcript.  A lot of the classes she took last year did also because she is taking a lot of AP classes.  

Boo is a big 3rd grader this year.  He informed his Papa that he was not ready to go back because it would be boring.  He "already knew everything and they weren't going to be able to teach him anything new."  We had a good laugh at this.  He has a great teacher again this year.  We went to the ice cream meet and greet the other night and he got very excited and is now ready to go back. 

There are two wonderful featured links this week.  These links are the ones with the most clicks over the week. 

Tamago Girl Free Pattern

Congrats to you ladies.  Please be sure and grab a button from the side bar to post on your blog letting everyone know you were featured. 

Now, make sure you link up some great post of your own and be sure and visit some of the other great posts listed above or below you.  Leave comments and let others know that you like what they are doing.  Everyone likes a little comment love now and again.  The top two links visited from this week will be featured next week so go visit your favorite links.

Have a great week and don't forget to link up for the August Blog and Shop Hop.

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Bloglovin' Blog Hop Week #14... August Bloglovin', Blog, or Shop Hop

I don't know about you but I have made lots of new friends along the last 13 weeks thanks to the hop.  I hope all of you are enjoying meeting new bloggers and finding great blogs to wel as new friends to visit with.

Welcome to Bloglovin' Blog Hop #14
Hosted by
Mel's Daisy Patch

  This hop will be for your Bloglovin' account, your blog, your shop or all three.


1. Grab the button above and put it on your side bar, in your linky list, or in a post so everyone knows where you link up.

2. Follow your host and co-hosts on Bloglovin' or their Blog. Please leave us a comment so we know you are new and can come visit you also.

3. Link up your Bloglovin' URL, Blog URL, Shop URL or all three. Please DO NOT link up a specific post just the blog URL. Please save the specific posts for The Monday Funday Hop.

4. Hop around and visit some of the other blogs listed.  Who knows, you might make some lifelong friends in the process. Make sure to leave them a comment so they can visit you as well.

5. Please visit our sponsors pages also. 

Note:  All links are being checked for spam sites and malware sites. If you click on a link and it leads somewhere it shouldn't please contact your host so we can delete it.

Your Host:

Your Co- Hosts:
Storybook Felts
 Cutey Patuty Crochet 

If you are interested in Co-Hosting please contact the host by using the contact page HERE. THERE IS NO FEE FOR CO-HOSTING. I will add new co-hosts weekly and the hop will run for a month.

If you would like to sponsor the hop, please contact me with the link above. Your ad will be placed just below the linkup image below for everyone to see and on the sidebar for the month. Sponsorship is $5.00 for the month and all you have to do is sit here on the post and look pretty. 
Link Up

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.