Hello Monday. Did you have to come so soon. I was not ready to see you yet...but, since you are already here, I guess I will embrace you and make the most of your presence.
I hope all of you are having a good start to your week. We had a lot of fun on our 4th of July weekend. We had family, food, fireworks and lots of fun. The kids were not ready to see their Uncle go home yesterday. However, he did leave with the promise to see them in a couple months at least. He took us to go see Earth to Echo while he was here. The kids loved it. Boo got a little emotional at the end. I thought it was cute but the ending could have been different.
We are off to our weekly/biweekly trip to the library this morning. We are heading out early so Boo can have fun at the park before the Library opens, and before it gets too hot.
I hope all of you have a fantastic week. Oh and if you like seeing picture links over the text ones, see the info in red at the bottom of this page.