Monday, September 30, 2013

Monday Funday #50

Happy Monday.  It is kind of a sad Monday here at the Daisy Patch.  We lost my husband grandpa yesterday morning.  He just turned 90 a little over a week ago.  It was a sad day, but a happy one at the same time.  He had been growing more and more week as the days went on.  He was not at all happy about the fact that he was unable to do most things for himself.  We all know he is now in a better place now.  I can just see him running around up in heaven asking anyone if they need any work done on their mansion. He was a carpenter and he was only happy when he was busy working, fishing or spending time with his many grandchildren and great grandchildren. He will be missed!!

Now on to happier things. 


The featured link for the month of September is:
Check out this fabulous collection of pumpkin spice recipes!

Congratulations to all the featured links for the month of September.  I know technically this is still September but I am starting October's linky list today.  Now go link up and share all your goodies...Who knows you might see your link featured here next week. I hope you all have a wonderful week.  We are off this morning to see how Boo's are is healing and hopefully to find out when he gets his pins pulled.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Bloglovin' Blog Hop September 2013...Bloglovin', Blog, or Shop Hop

Welcome to Bloglovin' Blog Hop For September 2013
Hosted by
Mel's Daisy Patch

  This hop will be for your Bloglovin' account, your blog, your shop or all three.


1. Grab the button above and put it on your side bar, in your linky list, or in a post so everyone knows where you link up.

2. Follow your host and co-hosts on Bloglovin' or their Blog. Please leave us a comment so we know you are new and can come visit you also.

3. Link up your Bloglovin' URL, Blog URL, Shop URL or all three. Please DO NOT link up a specific post just the blog URL. Please save the specific posts for The Monday Funday Hop.

4. Hop around and visit some of the other blogs listed.  Who knows, you might make some lifelong friends in the process. Make sure to leave them a comment so they can visit you as well.

5. Please visit our sponsors pages also. 

Note:  All links are being checked for spam sites and malware sites. If you click on a link and it leads somewhere it shouldn't please contact your host so we can delete it.

Your Host:

Your Co- Hosts:
Storybook Felts

 Cutey Patuty Crochet

If you are interested in Co-Hosting please contact the host by using the contact page HERE. THERE IS NO FEE FOR CO-HOSTING. I will add new co-hosts weekly and the hop will run for a month.

If you would like to sponsor the hop, please contact me with the link above. Your ad will be placed just below the linkup image below for everyone to see and on the sidebar for the month. Sponsorship is $5.00 for the month and all you have to do is sit here on the post and look pretty. 
Link Up

Monday, September 23, 2013

Monday Funday #49

Hey everyone!  I'm running late on Monday Funday again this week.  We had a pretty rough week last week, but things are look much better now.  You can read in detail about what happened here.  The short story is, Mr. Boo broke his arm on Monday and had to have surgery on Thursday to have pins put in.  Thursday was pretty hard on the whole family.  He had a great attitude going into surgery, but when he came out it was another story.  He was upset and hurting.  They did take care of the pain pretty quick and we got to come home an hour later.  He got sick on the way home and after trying to eat some soup for lunch.  Sometime that afternoon though, his appetite kicked in full force and he was scarfing down jello and pretzels.  The he ate some baked chicken and brown rice for dinner with out any trouble.  He has not had any pain since Thursday and is back at school being silly today.  We had lots of people praying and I would like to say thanks to all of them.  We have to go back in three weeks to have the pins pulled and a new cast put on.  Then he keep that cast for two weeks and after that he will be good to go.  He is one tough little guy!!

Now on to Monday Funday.  We only had one new link last week so it will be the featured week for this week.

Congrats Julie and keep sharing all these wonderful recipes with us!! Don't forget to link up below and maybe you will be featured next week. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

One Tired Mom

It has been quite a week at our house.  Monday was one tough day to get through.  It started out pretty good.  Took the kids off to school.  Then, I made a trip to the natural food store to get some yummy non-dairy ice cream and candy bar goodness for myself. I also bought some yummy Wow Butter.

We are loving this stuff!!  With Lulu having a peanut allergy it has been wonderful to find something that taste almost identical for Boo because he love PB&J.  It also comes in crunchy too.

After I left there I was on my way home.  I tend to be a back road taker.  I hate driving in traffic and avoid it at all costs.  Plus, there is loads of road construction in our local area right now that makes traffic even more of a nightmare. I was zipping down one of said back roads distractedly thinking about things I need to do and things that needed picked up from the store when out of the corner of my eye I see Mr. Police man.  I of course slammed on the break and got slowed down. The road I was on had a speed limit of 40.  I made it by him with no lighst flashing at me.  Then, he proceeded to pull out behind me. By this time I am breathing hard and beginning to literally feel like I was going to pass out.  We are talking the black fuzzies and all.  Then, to my horror, he hit those pretty blue lights and over I pulled.  He was very nice and politely asked why exactly I was running 54 in a 40.  I told him I honestly didn't realize I was.  Of course he wanted the basics, license, registration and insurance info.  I gave him a good giggle by handing him my Sam's card instead of my license.  Off he went with all my info back to his car.  Pretty soon back he came with his little paper pad.  He requested a number that I could be reached at.  Then, to my shock he handed me not at ticket, but a warning.  I thanked him a few times and told him I really was sorry. His reply was that it was okay, "It happens sometimes". Then he told me to be careful and I was off to the house praising the good Lord that I only got a warning.  I said poo on stopping anywhere else and just went home.

I made it home fine, checked a few emails and had a little lunch.  Just as I was taking my last bite of lunch, my cell rang.  It was the sweet nurse at Boo's school calling to let me know that he had fallen off the monkey bars during recess and was inconsolable.  They also could not get him to move the arm he had fallen on.  Off I went again.  I did head the warning I had been given earlier that morning and did not speed and was very careful all the way there. The minute I walked in the nurse's office he melted down. Now it was off to see doc for an x-ray.  Called hubby on the way and he met us at the doctor per little man's request.  We got a couple x-rays and found out that yes, it was broken right above his elbow.  The fantastic nurse that we have put his arm in a sling and then used bandages to wrap his arm tight to his body.  Next, we were off to the orthopedic doctor. We had a good 45 minute wait.  The doctor decided that he did not need to pin it and would just put a cast on it then x-ray it again to make sure it was staying put.  X-rays were taken again and unfortunately, while they were putting the cast on, his bone shifted.  We were then informed that he would need it pined after all. We have not had that done yet but should find out when it will happen today...I hope!

He is still really sore,  He is sleeping wonderfully though and is only on over the counter pain meds. He has been waking up only once a night around 2:30.  Mom however has not been sleeping well. I am one of those people who has trouble going back to sleep once they have woke up. He was home with me all day yesterday trying to get the little things figured out.  Like how to pull up his pants after going to the bathroom and such.  He did go back to school today.  I was not thrilled about sending him but with him having to have the pins put in, he will be out with that and then again when they pull them back out.  He said he was excited to be going back and seeing all his friends.

I think I am off to have a little rest.  Then I'll be back to get the kids later.  I hope your week has been great.  Please keep my little man in your thoughts and prayers that he will get the pins put in this week so that he can start healing and get back to being his active self again soon.


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Bloglovin' Blog Hop September 2013...Bloglovin', Blog, or Shop Hop

I have been tossing around the idea of changing the name of this hop next month.  There are so many Bloglovin' Blog Hops out right now and it is enough to make a bloggers head spin.  The idea is to make it a blog hop for craft blogs and shops. Most of the links that have been added have been for craft blogs and shops anyway.  But, this will give all of us "Crafty" people a specific place to gather.   Let me know what you think of the idea. And, if you are interested in Co-Hosting or Sponsoring the new hop let me know.  There will be no fee to Co-Host and all you have to do is copy and paste the code I send you each week into a post on your blog.  If you would like to Sponsor the hop it is $5.00 and this gives you an ad spot on the hop for the month and you don't have to do any posts.  Now...On With The Hop!!

Welcome to Bloglovin' Blog Hop For September 2013
Hosted by
Mel's Daisy Patch

  This hop will be for your Bloglovin' account, your blog, your shop or all three.


1. Grab the button above and put it on your side bar, in your linky list, or in a post so everyone knows where you link up.

2. Follow your host and co-hosts on Bloglovin' or their Blog. Please leave us a comment so we know you are new and can come visit you also.

3. Link up your Bloglovin' URL, Blog URL, Shop URL or all three. Please DO NOT link up a specific post just the blog URL. Please save the specific posts for The Monday Funday Hop.

4. Hop around and visit some of the other blogs listed.  Who knows, you might make some lifelong friends in the process. Make sure to leave them a comment so they can visit you as well.

5. Please visit our sponsors pages also. 

Note:  All links are being checked for spam sites and malware sites. If you click on a link and it leads somewhere it shouldn't please contact your host so we can delete it.

Your Host:

Your Co- Hosts:
Storybook Felts

 Cutey Patuty Crochet

If you are interested in Co-Hosting please contact the host by using the contact page HERE. THERE IS NO FEE FOR CO-HOSTING. I will add new co-hosts weekly and the hop will run for a month.

If you would like to sponsor the hop, please contact me with the link above. Your ad will be placed just below the linkup image below for everyone to see and on the sidebar for the month. Sponsorship is $5.00 for the month and all you have to do is sit here on the post and look pretty. 
Link Up

Monday, September 16, 2013

Monday Funday #48

I'm running a little late with this Monday's post.  I do have some exciting news though.  My dear friend Susan, from Crochet Addict UK, has started selling her wonderful crochet patterns again.  As of today, you can find her patters on Ravelry, Craftsy, Etsy, and Facebook.  She also had some fantastic free patterns as well.  She would love it if you would pop by and have a peek at what she has been up to.  Feel free to like her Facebook page and leave her a little note of encouragement. She has just gotten started putting the patterns up so keep visiting. Plus, she is also planning on selling some of her finished items as well.

Now onto our featured links from last week.

Check out this fabulous collection of pumpkin spice recipes!

Congrats to  the featured links for this week .  Be sure to link up below...Who knows you might be featured next week.  Make sure you click on your favorite links and leave them a comment to let them know you are visiting.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Bloglovin' Blog Hop September 2013...Bloglovin', Blog, or Shop Hop

Welcome to Bloglovin' Blog Hop For September 2013
Hosted by
Mel's Daisy Patch

  This hop will be for your Bloglovin' account, your blog, your shop or all three.


1. Grab the button above and put it on your side bar, in your linky list, or in a post so everyone knows where you link up.

2. Follow your host and co-hosts on Bloglovin' or their Blog. Please leave us a comment so we know you are new and can come visit you also.

3. Link up your Bloglovin' URL, Blog URL, Shop URL or all three. Please DO NOT link up a specific post just the blog URL. Please save the specific posts for The Monday Funday Hop.

4. Hop around and visit some of the other blogs listed.  Who knows, you might make some lifelong friends in the process. Make sure to leave them a comment so they can visit you as well.

5. Please visit our sponsors pages also. 

Note:  All links are being checked for spam sites and malware sites. If you click on a link and it leads somewhere it shouldn't please contact your host so we can delete it.

Your Host:

Your Co- Hosts:
Storybook Felts

 Cutey Patuty Crochet

If you are interested in Co-Hosting please contact the host by using the contact page HERE. THERE IS NO FEE FOR CO-HOSTING. I will add new co-hosts weekly and the hop will run for a month.

If you would like to sponsor the hop, please contact me with the link above. Your ad will be placed just below the linkup image below for everyone to see and on the sidebar for the month. Sponsorship is $5.00 for the month and all you have to do is sit here on the post and look pretty. 
Link Up