Happy Birthday to the Love of My Life!!!
My Hubby is turning 45 today.
We had a rainy week here last week. Boo was running fever most of the week and ended up at the Dr. on Wednesday. He got a different round of antibiotics and was doing a lot better the next day. I spent most of the week playing with the kids and catching up on all of my book reviews that needed done.
Last week I introduced you to two cats that had adopted us, Tom and Evergreen. Well the rest of their family decided to move in this week.
Here is (from left to right) Tom, Lacy, Mittens and Evergreen.
Mittens is Black with a white tummy and white mittens. Lacy is white and gray. When Lacy received his name he was thought to be a girl and we found out this week that he is in fact a boy. Mittens is still an unknown. We are pretty sure all of them except Evergreen are boys they way they act though.
Tom has become my cat. He is still a wild thing but likes to come and rub on the back of my legs when I am standing on the porch. He doesn't want me to pet him but he has to pet me. He has allowed me to touch his tail though. And he seems to think my toes look like a tasty snack because he is always looking at them and has already tried to have a little nibble but I got them out of there before he could get a taste. The kids are having fun watching them. The cats love to sit in the chairs on the front porch. Then, when you open the door, you hear this huge explosion of chairs because they are scattering everywhere.
We are off to the library this morning to take back movies, games and a few books. I'm sure we will come home will another bag full of goodies. Each of the kids have been given a Green Bag Lady bag to carry their books in. The library has the plastic ones for everyone to use but we prefer taking our own reusable bag. I am thinking about using some fabric scraps I have around the house to make them one. That way they can pick the fabric it is made of and call it their own. The one Boo picked out is one that I won in a Christmas bag giveaway (Here. His is similar to the red one in the second picture). Lulu has another one that I won in another giveaway (If you click on the link hers is the one on top in the first picture.) it has elephants and penguins on it. You can find a picture of me with one of my bags on her site HERE. You can also find patterns and giveaways on the Green Bag Lady blog to either make or win your own bags.
Have a great day!!

Hi Mel, thanks so much for featuring my green bean and potato salad recipe this week. I really love your party and you always but a smile on my face! Do have a fun time today with the kids and enjoy the week.