Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Books and Bears and Embroidery Oh MY

Hey everyone. Just thought I would stop in today and touch base with you.  I haven't been doing much blogging this summer because I have been so busy with the kids.  Last summer I had surgery and we didn't do a whole lot of anything.

The family and I were back over to the cabin this weekend.  We only spent one night this time. We have been having trouble with the A/C and of course it went out again Saturday morning. We came home and I cleaned out my book stash so I could donate some of them to my Mom-IL to give away at her women's ministry meetings.
Most of the books are ones that I have received to do a review on.  All the ones on the left, in the three stacks,  and the ones in the front of the basket have already been read.  I have also read most of the ones in the white basket also.  The books in the priority mail box have not been read yet. Some of them I can't part with because they are my absolute favorites.  I have the whole Anne of Green Gables series, the Love Comes Softly series by Janette Oke, as well as the Red River and Blessings set by Lauraine Snelling.  I also have a few sets of Tracie Peterson books also.

We have been having a BIG furry visitor at the cabin.
"Maybe if I hide my face just out of camera range they won't know it was me."

"Sniff, sniff...I smell corn."

"Do you think this rock is big enough to hide me from that camera over there?"

The first two pictures are from right in front of the cabin.  The last one is further back in the woods.  We have at least 3 bears, that we know of, running around.  Every night we have stayed over the last couple weeks, the bear has come to visit each night.  It has always been while we were asleep so we didn't get to see him other than through the pictures from the cameras.  We thought we heard him the last time but weren't sure and no one got up to go see.

Our neighbor found out what happens when you keep messing with them.   
The bear got in his shed about a week ago and ate all of the deer feed that he had in there.  He locked the door and thought it was safe this time.  I guess Mr. Bear had other ideas because he ripped the door to pieces and had another dinner out of the shed.

I have also been working on some embroidery projects.  They are both from Aunt Martha's Northwoods Lodge 3999 pattern set.

I had planned to frame them and hang them in the cabin but hubby is not real keen on that idea. Mr. Boo has claimed them both. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with them.  I think they would be cute framed but if you guys have any other ideas for them let me know.

This springs rains we had and the wonderful temps that we have been having have been wonderful for my two hydrangea bushes.
I love the shade of blue they have started turning.

This is the same bush.  Some of the flowers are more of a purpley blue.

This bush is a lot smaller. It was sent to my mom's funeral 6 years ago and finally bloomed for the first a couple years ago.  It has also turned blue.  They were both pinky purple a couple of years ago but they have started turning blue now.  I prefer the blue as it is my favorite color.  I know it has to do with the acid in the soil.  They are both planted on the North (back) side of our house. They sit on either side of out a/c unit.  The water that drains out of the unit runs around both of them.  I'm not sure if that is what has caused them to turn blue or what.

That's about all I have for now.  We had a lazy day here at the house on Tuesday.  The kids go back to school August 19 and we have been out buy school clothes.  We are off to do some more of that again this morning.  So, I better get and get to shopping. ;)  Hope you all are having a wonderful day.  I would love your comments on any ideas you have for my embroidery.  Also stop by Monday's post for some cute T-Shirt remake ideas.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Bloglovin' Blog Hop Week #12... Bloglovin', Blog, or Shop Hop

Welcome to Bloglovin' Blog Hop #12
Hosted by
Mel's Daisy Patch

 I'm changing things up a little this month. The hops for this month will be for your Bloglovin' account, your blog, your shop or all three.


1. Grab the button above and put it on your side bar, in your linky list, or in a post so everyone knows where you link up.

2. Follow your host and co-hosts on Bloglovin' or their Blog. Please leave us a comment so we know you are new and can come visit you also.

3. Link up your Bloglovin' URL, Blog URL, Shop URL or all three. Please DO NOT link up a specific post just the blog URL. Please save the specific posts for The Monday Funday Hop.

4. Hop around and visit some of the other blogs listed.  Who knows, you might make some lifelong friends in the process. Make sure to leave them a comment so they can visit you as well.

5. Please visit our sponsors pages also. 

Note:  All links are being checked for spam sites and malware sites. If you click on a link and it leads somewhere it shouldn't please contact your host so we can delete it.

Your Host:

Your Co- Hosts:
Storybook Felts
 Cutey Patuty Crochet 

If you are interested in Co-Hosting please contact the host by using the contact page HERE. THERE IS NO FEE FOR CO-HOSTING. I will add new co-hosts weekly and the hop will run for a month.

If you would like to sponsor the hop, please contact me with the link above. Your ad will be placed just below the linkup image below for everyone to see and on the sidebar for the month. Sponsorship is $5.00 for the month and all you have to do is sit here on the post and look pretty. 
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Our Wonderful Sponsors

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Monday, July 29, 2013

Monday Funday #41...T-Shirt Remakes

WOW!!  Is it Monday again already?  It seems like the last week flew by so fast I didn't have time to blink. I have some fun remake/recycle projects for you this week. They are all made from old T-shirts. You can find tons of projects on Pinterest as well.

A Clothe Bag

t-shirt scarf

How to make a bunny from a T-shirt
DIY Flower Petal Tee, She is just so genius!!

T-Shirt Skirt Tutorial

These are just a few of the projects that I have found.  I may have to make the last skirt for Lulu and myself.  It is too cute and the possibilities are endless. I also have some tops that will work out wonderfully for the first bag as well. I hope you enjoyed all of the projects.  Let me know if you make any of them.  I would love to see your finished products.

Now, please link up any projects you have for the week.  Past projects will work also. Have a great week and don't forget to come back tomorrow for the hop.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Big Craftsy Sale

Craftsy is having a HUGE summer sale on craft supplies!!  Starting today, Friday, 7/26 until Sunday 7/28, select yarn and fabric will be an additional 20% off already great prices.  In addition, there is also free shipping for order over $75 for US customers. (20% off shipping for CA residents.)


We are off to the cabin again.  I have been working on some embroidery projects and hope to have time to share them with you next week.  I have been so busy during the day with the kids that there has been little time for computers and such.

Have a great weekend.


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Bloglovin' Blog Hop Week #11... Bloglovin', Blog, or Shop Hop

Welcome to Bloglovin' Blog Hop #11
Hosted by
Mel's Daisy Patch

 I'm changing things up a little this month. The hops for this month will be for your Bloglovin' account, your blog, your shop or all three.


1. Grab the button above and put it on your side bar, in your linky list, or in a post so everyone knows where you link up.

2. Follow your host and co-hosts on Bloglovin' or their Blog. Please leave us a comment so we know you are new and can come visit you also.

3. Link up your Bloglovin' URL, Blog URL, Shop URL or all three. Please DO NOT link up a specific post just the blog URL. Please save the specific posts for The Monday Funday Hop.

4. Hop around and visit some of the other blogs listed.  Who knows, you might make some lifelong friends in the process. Make sure to leave them a comment so they can visit you as well.

5. Please visit our sponsors pages also. 

Note:  All links are being checked for spam sites and malware sites. If you click on a link and it leads somewhere it shouldn't please contact your host so we can delete it.

Your Host:

Your Co- Hosts:
Storybook Felts
 Cutey Patuty Crochet 

If you are interested in Co-Hosting please contact the host by using the contact page HERE. THERE IS NO FEE FOR CO-HOSTING. I will add new co-hosts weekly and the hop will run for a month.

If you would like to sponsor the hop, please contact me with the link above. Your ad will be placed just below the linkup image below for everyone to see and on the sidebar for the month. Sponsorship is $5.00 for the month and all you have to do is sit here on the post and look pretty. 
Link Up
Our Wonderful Sponsors

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