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Tuesday, February 28, 2012
I'm On A Roll... And Sharing A Treasure
I hope I don't get any butter on my pants. Giggle Giggle. Sorry I couldn't resist. 3 Posts in one day. Now to share what's going on with all of you. I have been on a bit of a hiatus from my crochet. I started cleaning my desk and rearranging it and didn't get much crochet done over the weekend. Still not all the way finished. Off to town tomorrow to get groceries and visit the doc (more on this another day maybe). I need to pick up some of those magazine holders to put my magazines in. Right now they are just stacked in piles on top of my desk.
I did finish my ducky blanket but have not gotten him stitched together yet. I'm kind of in a rut this week I guess. He should have already been finished and ready to go. Oh well, Here is a pic of him just laid out.
He is so funny and the kids loved him.
Here are a few pictures of my desk as it looks now.

My Crochet books and leaflets. I still need to dig out my Cross Stitch books and put in here also. The white binder over here has some printed patterns that I have used a lot and plan to use again. Can you see the big stack of magazines up there?
My binders full of printed patterns neatly organized and put into categories. The little blue binder just has Barbie crochet stuff in it. The smaller white binder next to it holds all of my stuffed animals, kids stuff and dolly clothes. One of the big ones has kitchen, batch, rugs and stuff like that. Then the other big one has everything else under the sun.
And now to share my treasure with you. If you want to see any of the pictures up close just click on them and the will open larger.
This is a Learn How to Crochet, Knit, Tat and Embroider/Cross Stitch book. It belonged to my husbands great grandmother and his mom gave it to me along with her set of steel crochet hooks and some knitting needles that she had.
I have never used the knitting needles but I did use the crochet hooks when I first started crocheting. Back when I made Sissyroo a bunch of Barbie clothes.
It gives you all of the basics for learning the four different needle crafts in the book. It has patterns and great pictures of all the projects. Below are just a few. Remember is you want to see them better just click on them.
This is a cross stitched rug. Can you just imagine all the work that went into that. I love the chair too.
This is one of my favorite things in the book. There is a lot of work int this beautiful blanket too.
This hat is called a Calot. I love the little curl on top. Did women really wear this funny little hats?
Oh if only our sweet little girls would wear collars like this now. Wouldn't the be proper young ladies!
I did finish my ducky blanket but have not gotten him stitched together yet. I'm kind of in a rut this week I guess. He should have already been finished and ready to go. Oh well, Here is a pic of him just laid out.
He is so funny and the kids loved him.
Here are a few pictures of my desk as it looks now.
The whole desk.
My Crochet books and leaflets. I still need to dig out my Cross Stitch books and put in here also. The white binder over here has some printed patterns that I have used a lot and plan to use again. Can you see the big stack of magazines up there?
My binders full of printed patterns neatly organized and put into categories. The little blue binder just has Barbie crochet stuff in it. The smaller white binder next to it holds all of my stuffed animals, kids stuff and dolly clothes. One of the big ones has kitchen, batch, rugs and stuff like that. Then the other big one has everything else under the sun.
And now to share my treasure with you. If you want to see any of the pictures up close just click on them and the will open larger.
This is a Learn How to Crochet, Knit, Tat and Embroider/Cross Stitch book. It belonged to my husbands great grandmother and his mom gave it to me along with her set of steel crochet hooks and some knitting needles that she had.
I have never used the knitting needles but I did use the crochet hooks when I first started crocheting. Back when I made Sissyroo a bunch of Barbie clothes.
The book says "Copyright 1941, The Spool Cotton Company Litho'd in U.S.A. H-504 29th Edition 605". So it is fairly old. It has seen better days for sure. I keep it in a zippy bag to and in a pocket of a binder to keep it safe.
It gives you all of the basics for learning the four different needle crafts in the book. It has patterns and great pictures of all the projects. Below are just a few. Remember is you want to see them better just click on them.
This is a cross stitched rug. Can you just imagine all the work that went into that. I love the chair too.
This is one of my favorite things in the book. There is a lot of work int this beautiful blanket too.
This hat is called a Calot. I love the little curl on top. Did women really wear this funny little hats?
Oh if only our sweet little girls would wear collars like this now. Wouldn't the be proper young ladies!
I love the title on this page "It's American from Away Back". I guess it's their way of saying vintage.
I hope you enjoyed my treasure. If you would like to see more of the pictures just let me know and I would be happy to share more of them with you. I will probably start another giveaway in a few days. It will be another Fiber Trends Knit pattern. I have four of them left to giveaway. Have a great day!
Another Award

My wonderful friend Susan from crochetaddictcfs.blogspot.com has blessed me with another award. If you have not visited her blog you need to!! She is a very sweet and talented lady. Just click on her name and it will take you there. OK now for the official stuff.
There are some rules:
- You thank the person who gave you the award
- Then link back to that person’s blog
- Copy and paste the Liebster award to your own profile
- Pick 5 blogs who you feel deserve to be noticed (they have to have under 200 followers)
- Then finally blog it and leave a comment to let your 5 choices know they have been chosen
Now to pick 5 wonderful people who deserve this award. All of these blogs have less than 100 followers. Go over and say hi and congrats.
Wiggly Piggy Winner!!
Today is the day I pick my winner for the Wiggly Piggy pattern. It was soooo very difficult to pick a winner this time. Since there were only two comments on the post. So the winner is.............Mindy. She is the only one who entered so how could she loose. Click on Mindy's name to go visit her blog. Congratulations Mindy, your free pattern will be on it way soon.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
A Better Day
I have worked on and off today on my newest pattern. It's another snuggle blanket, but more about that another day. We all were lazy today so we decided to stay home from church and have a day of rest. Hubby and Sissyroo had daddy daughter time over on our hunting land. Hubby and his dad did a controlled burn yesterday and he wanted to make sure all was well. Mr. Boo didn't want to go so we stayed home and had a romp here with the dogs. First we decided to go fly a kite, literally. It has been very windy and warm here today.
This is "Polly" in flight. Mr. Boo loves parrots so of course his kite had to be a parrot. He got it for Easter last year and sis got a butterfly.
After we, mostly mom, tired of flying the kite we moved on to riding our bikes up and down the drive.
Of course the dogs had to go for a run and let their tongues hang out. Then if was time for a romp through the field to the pond.
This is where Mr.Boo's new favorite story was born.
Once upon a time, there was a sweet little blue shoe named Mr. Cloggy. He and his best friend Mr. Boo went for a walk in the wide wide world. They had their trusty dogs, Buddy and Rolly, by their sides. While out on their adventure they came across a beautiful ocean. They decided they wanted to see this ocean up close. At once they discovered beautiful shells along the edge of the water and decided to kick them back into the ocean. All at once Mr. Cloggy flew through the air and landed in the ocean. Mr. Cloggy floated along in the ocean for a few minutes while Mr. Boo and the puppies tried to figure out how to rescue him. Then along came a beautiful fairy Queen and swooped in to rescue Mr. Cloggy. Mr. Cloggy was returned to Mr. Boo safe and sound, although he was a little soggy. The fairy Queen was rewarded with a kiss and Mr. Cloggy and Mr. Boo lived happily ever after. The End...
I'm sorry to say there are no pictures of Mr. Cloggy's adventures in the pond. Mom was too busy trying to get him out. The dogs were no help at all. All they could do was walk the bank and sniff at poor Mr. Cloggy. Mr. Boo decided not to kick rocks in the pond with those kind of shoes on next time. We had a fun day and even found our first signs of spring. Boo informed me that I should take a picture of it and post it on my blog for all of you to see. So here it is.
Here is Mr. Boo out in the middle of the field trying to stay away from the trees.
Then along came his helpers. Every time the kite hit the ground they exploded with growls and barks acting all mean and nasty like and ready to attack. They were so funny.
After we, mostly mom, tired of flying the kite we moved on to riding our bikes up and down the drive.
Of course the dogs had to go for a run and let their tongues hang out. Then if was time for a romp through the field to the pond.
This is where Mr.Boo's new favorite story was born.
Once upon a time, there was a sweet little blue shoe named Mr. Cloggy. He and his best friend Mr. Boo went for a walk in the wide wide world. They had their trusty dogs, Buddy and Rolly, by their sides. While out on their adventure they came across a beautiful ocean. They decided they wanted to see this ocean up close. At once they discovered beautiful shells along the edge of the water and decided to kick them back into the ocean. All at once Mr. Cloggy flew through the air and landed in the ocean. Mr. Cloggy floated along in the ocean for a few minutes while Mr. Boo and the puppies tried to figure out how to rescue him. Then along came a beautiful fairy Queen and swooped in to rescue Mr. Cloggy. Mr. Cloggy was returned to Mr. Boo safe and sound, although he was a little soggy. The fairy Queen was rewarded with a kiss and Mr. Cloggy and Mr. Boo lived happily ever after. The End...
I'm sorry to say there are no pictures of Mr. Cloggy's adventures in the pond. Mom was too busy trying to get him out. The dogs were no help at all. All they could do was walk the bank and sniff at poor Mr. Cloggy. Mr. Boo decided not to kick rocks in the pond with those kind of shoes on next time. We had a fun day and even found our first signs of spring. Boo informed me that I should take a picture of it and post it on my blog for all of you to see. So here it is.
Tiny blue flowers in our back yard. Boo had to run the dogs around the house so I could get the picture. They kept licking me and trying to knock me down.
This is what they looked like afterwords. They were wore out. Now that I have shared my day I need to go finish up some things and head the kids off to bed. Hope you had a great weekend and have a great week.Saturday, February 25, 2012
Tough Call
I received a very tough phone call tonight. My cousin Jay, who was only two years older than me, died at age thirty nine this morning. He was in Colorado on a skiing trip with friends and his wife was here in Arkansas. She is not handling it well and the who family could use your prayers. He has two teenage children at home as well. One of my aunts called only because she could not find me on Facebook. What has this world come to that when someone dies the only way we find out is through a post on someones Facebook page. Sorry I just had to put this out here to let off some steam. Tears were not enough I guess. I am now going to go see if I can read a book and settle down for the night. Hope yours is better than mine has turned out to be. Thanks for listening.
Saturday Clean Out
I am sitting here at my desk taking a little cleaning break. I should have taken before pictures. It was a real mess. I wanted to get it clean off and out so that I can get my crochet book and magazines out of the closet and into view where I can and will see and use them more. So far so good. I am embarrassed to say that I have filled about 1/4 of a 30 gallon trash bag just from cleaning one small area. I will try to post after pictures when I get it all the way I want it. I found bookoos of patterns that I have printed and stashed on my desk. Magazines I have sat and looked at and then went online to find more goodies from them. Oh what I mess I had and still have. But it does look a lot better. The sun is coming through the window behind me just right and I can see cobby webs behind my monitor. Ewwww time to dust as well. ahhhh choooo. My desk is also a dumping grounds for kid related messes. There are Legos, plastic plates from the toy kitchen, a plastic harmonica which has seen better days. tinker toys, kids magazines, a remote to a toy car and the list goes on and on.
OK, I broke down and took pictures. And this is after most of it has been cleaned off and out. Oh what a mess. I won't even show you what is under the desk. There are three storage boxes. One for tax stuff, one for Mr. Boo's school stuff I want to keep and one for Sissyroo's school stuff. Also there are two large scrapbook paper holders, and my sewing machine has found a home under there as well somehow. There are also a few Cheerios lurking under there as well. Mr. Boo likes have snacks while playing on the computer and things tend to wind up under the desk hidden in corners to be found latter and groaned about by mom. Hubby even has his own little shelf there on the left above the Cricut in the first picture. You can just make out the turkey head on the yellow sign sticking out. I am sad to say that I am a fishing/hunting widow most of the time. Hubby loves to fish and hunt. He and his dad even have there own fishing tournament called Fishermen for Christ. But his habits to put food on the table I guess.
I guess now that I have shared my mess I should get back to work and finish with the cleaning up of the mess. I will leave you with a scarf I made this week and a few pics of the lovely lady It was given to. She is a Kindergarten teacher at Mr. Boo's school and loves all things funky.
Can you tell how excited she was to get it. When I found the pattern I knew she would love it. The finished scarf is for sale in my Etsy store or you can find the pattern HERE. There are quite a few other ladies at the school who are asking about this scarf so I am going to be very busy I think. I made it to use up some of my Hometown USA Yarn. Don't forget to enter my pattern giveaway HERE!! Have a great weekend.
Friday, February 24, 2012
Great Contest
Sarah over at Sarahndipities is having a great contest. She has reached 1000 followers and is celebrating with this great prize giveaway.
Go over (click on picture above) and congratulate her and sign up to win this great prize pack. Oh and don't forget to register to win my pattern HERE. Good luck and have a great night or day where ever you are.

Go over (click on picture above) and congratulate her and sign up to win this great prize pack. Oh and don't forget to register to win my pattern HERE. Good luck and have a great night or day where ever you are.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Knitting and Crochet Blog Week

Go on over to www.eskimimimakes.com and find out how to sign up, I know I did. Can't wait to see you there.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
A Tuesday Giveaway
This contest is now closed. The winner is MINDY.
OK, as you all know, my Wiggly Giggly Piggy Blanket is finished. The pattern is up for sale on Etsy, my blog, Craftsy and Ravelry. The finished blanket is also for sale on Etsy along with a blanket set that comes with the blanket and a piggy. So in honor of my little piggy going to market, I am giving away a Wiggly Giggly Piggy PDF Pattern to one lucky winner.
2. Blog about this Giveaway and leave me a comment, with your email address and blog URL, letting me know you did. (Optional) = 1 Entry.
3. Favorite my shop on Etsy by clinking HERE and leave a comment on this post, with your email address, letting me know you did. (Optional) = 1 Entry
4. Add this pattern to your favorites on Ravelry by clicking HERE and leave a comment on this post, with your email address, letting me know you did.. (Optional) = 1 Entry
5. Leave me a comment about what colors you would use for your piggy and who you would make it for. (Optional) = 1 Entry
That's 7 easy entries. This giveaway will end on at 6:00 am cst Tuesday, Feburay 28 and is open to everyone world wide. I will use a random number generator to pick the winner. You can also buy this pattern on my pattern page, on Ravelry, on Craftsy or from my Etsy Shop. Good luck everyone and stay tuned for more giveaways and fun stuff.
OK, as you all know, my Wiggly Giggly Piggy Blanket is finished. The pattern is up for sale on Etsy, my blog, Craftsy and Ravelry. The finished blanket is also for sale on Etsy along with a blanket set that comes with the blanket and a piggy. So in honor of my little piggy going to market, I am giving away a Wiggly Giggly Piggy PDF Pattern to one lucky winner.
How to win:
1. You must be a follower of my blog with GFC or Bloglovin or both and leave me a comment, with your email address, letting me know you are one. (Mandatory Entry) = 1 Entry2. Blog about this Giveaway and leave me a comment, with your email address and blog URL, letting me know you did. (Optional) = 1 Entry.
3. Favorite my shop on Etsy by clinking HERE and leave a comment on this post, with your email address, letting me know you did. (Optional) = 1 Entry
4. Add this pattern to your favorites on Ravelry by clicking HERE and leave a comment on this post, with your email address, letting me know you did.. (Optional) = 1 Entry
5. Leave me a comment about what colors you would use for your piggy and who you would make it for. (Optional) = 1 Entry
6. Follow me on Twitter and leave me a comment on this post letting me know that you did and what your twitter name is.
(Optional) = 1 Entry
7. Follow me on Pinterest and leave me a comment on this post letting me know that you did and what your Pinterest name is. (Optional) = 1 Entry
Saturday, February 18, 2012
A New Wiggles And Giggles Blanket
Hello everyone!! I've missed you all but, I have been so busy this week that I haven't had much time to post. Monday we had some snow. It came in right around 6:30am which is a bad time for school kids. Since kids were on buses they couldn't cancel school. We are only 15 minutes away from school so we took it slow and made it there in one piece. I stayed at the school and helped in case they decided to call it an early day. District wide there was less than 50 % attendance which is not a good thing. Mr. Boo only had about 7 kids in his class of 25. A few classes only had 4 of 20. They pretty much had a play day. By the time we got home the snow was a mushy muddy mess so we didn't even get to play in it. The kids were not happy. I had to sub on Tuesday and Thursday. Wednesday I had a half a day at town getting the groceries then a bit of a rest that afternoon. The kids had the day off on Friday. Yipee.
Now on to the goodies. I have gotten quite a bit or crochet done since last week. It started with this.
It is a Crochet Ruffle Valentin Wreath from Would You Like Yarn With That. (click on link to get pattern) Mine turned out cute but for some reason when I tried to hang it it wants to curl and is not stiff enough. Will have to work on it a little more. I was making it as a teachers gift for Mr. Boo's teacher but since I couldn't get it to hang I whipped up these.
My sweet baby girl (12) modeled them for me. Look at those perfect nails of hers. Mine have never grown that well. Of course I don't drink milk either. I also worked up a yellow pair for my wonderful model so she felt well paid for her modeling. No picture because they are hiding in her school bag. Now her best friend needs a blue pair. You can find the free pattern for them HERE. They are done in very bulky yarn and work up super fast. Yesterday, I went to the mail box and found my lovely package from my Initial Heart Swap.
I got some SUPER SOFT mittens in a fuzzy purple. There was also some yummy chocolate, which got grabbed right after this picture was taken. I did get to keep most of it though. These goodies came from Lyndsay who lives all the way up in Canada. I have been to Canada one time. My husband and I went with his parents right after we got married. We loved it but have not had a chance to get back. I can't wait to wear my mittens. We have another chance of snow tonight so maybe tomorrow to church. Here is my newest stash of yarn goodness.
I tried to separate the red and orange so you could tell them apart but it didn't help much. And no to show you what all the colors are for.
This is my Wiggly Giggly Piggy blanket. The pattern is finished and will be for sale soon. The finished blanket will also be for sale. Because we live in Arkansas my first piggy had to be red and white. I know pink will be cute too. I think he is so cute. You can click on the picture to make it bigger and see him better. I am thinking about doing something different with the border on the next one but I'm not sure what. Oh, in case you missed my other post today, I sold one of my Snuggle Puppy Patterns this morning. I am so proud. My first baby has gone out to a new home. I guess I better get for tonight and get the kids heading towards bed soon. I must snuggle with my little snuggly man before bed. Have a great rest of your weekend.
EDIT: The pattern for the Wiggly Piggy is now up for sale. You can visit my pattern page HERE, my Etsy store HERE, my Ravelry store HERE, or my Craftsy store HERE to order yours today. There is also a finished one for sale on Etsy, and one that comes with a little pig stuffy.
Now on to the goodies. I have gotten quite a bit or crochet done since last week. It started with this.
It is a Crochet Ruffle Valentin Wreath from Would You Like Yarn With That. (click on link to get pattern) Mine turned out cute but for some reason when I tried to hang it it wants to curl and is not stiff enough. Will have to work on it a little more. I was making it as a teachers gift for Mr. Boo's teacher but since I couldn't get it to hang I whipped up these.
My sweet baby girl (12) modeled them for me. Look at those perfect nails of hers. Mine have never grown that well. Of course I don't drink milk either. I also worked up a yellow pair for my wonderful model so she felt well paid for her modeling. No picture because they are hiding in her school bag. Now her best friend needs a blue pair. You can find the free pattern for them HERE. They are done in very bulky yarn and work up super fast. Yesterday, I went to the mail box and found my lovely package from my Initial Heart Swap.
I got some SUPER SOFT mittens in a fuzzy purple. There was also some yummy chocolate, which got grabbed right after this picture was taken. I did get to keep most of it though. These goodies came from Lyndsay who lives all the way up in Canada. I have been to Canada one time. My husband and I went with his parents right after we got married. We loved it but have not had a chance to get back. I can't wait to wear my mittens. We have another chance of snow tonight so maybe tomorrow to church. Here is my newest stash of yarn goodness.
I tried to separate the red and orange so you could tell them apart but it didn't help much. And no to show you what all the colors are for.
This is my Wiggly Giggly Piggy blanket. The pattern is finished and will be for sale soon. The finished blanket will also be for sale. Because we live in Arkansas my first piggy had to be red and white. I know pink will be cute too. I think he is so cute. You can click on the picture to make it bigger and see him better. I am thinking about doing something different with the border on the next one but I'm not sure what. Oh, in case you missed my other post today, I sold one of my Snuggle Puppy Patterns this morning. I am so proud. My first baby has gone out to a new home. I guess I better get for tonight and get the kids heading towards bed soon. I must snuggle with my little snuggly man before bed. Have a great rest of your weekend.
EDIT: The pattern for the Wiggly Piggy is now up for sale. You can visit my pattern page HERE, my Etsy store HERE, my Ravelry store HERE, or my Craftsy store HERE to order yours today. There is also a finished one for sale on Etsy, and one that comes with a little pig stuffy.
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